1/6 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/2 | 1/1 | |
Standard | / | / | 240€ | 240€ | 240€ | 240€ |
Comfort | 250€ | 250€ | 260€ | 260€ | 270€ | 270€ |
Superior | / | / | / | 280€ | 290€ | 310€ |
Cena aranžmana za vikend termine
1/6 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/2 | 1/1 | |
Standard | / | / | 240€ | 240€ | 240€ | 240€ |
Comfort | 250€ | 250€ | 260€ | 260€ | 270€ | 270€ |
Superior | / | / | / | 280€ | 290€ | 310€ |
1. DAN
Dolazak u RT centar u vremenu koje vama odgovara
Smeštaj u naše bungalove /sobe
Slobodno vreme za odmor ili neke aktivnosti.
OVDE možete videti sve naše izlete.
Podela opreme za rafting
Polazak na rafting i uživanje u raftingu u trajanju od 2h-4h (u zavisnosti od doba godine i vodostaje reke Tare)
Povratak u RT centar, razduživanje opreme
Za one koji još uvek imaju snage tu su tereni za mali fudbal, odbojku,paintball…
Odlazak na celodnevni kanjoning rekom Hrčavkom.
Kroz kanjon se prolazi savladavanjem niza atraktivnih prepreka, skokova, penjanja uz redovne pauze za odmor i fotografisanje.
Ručak-lanch paket
Povratak u RT centar .
4. dan
Polazak na celodnevni izlet u NP Sutjesku.
Naša preporuka za ovaj izlet.
Prilika da se poseti prelepa Sutjeska, njeni vidikovci, čist vazduh i prelep pogled na katune, pašnjake,Maglić , Zelengoru, Volujak je nešto što će vam zauvek ostati u sećanju.
Ručak u prirodi-lanch paket
Poseta spomen obeležju palim borcima bitke na Sutjesci -Tjentištu i dolini Heroja
Povratak u RT centar
Uživanje uz živu svirku (za vikend termine),vreme za zabavu i druženje
Peti dan
Kraj aranžmani ili po želji odlazak na još neki od izleta
Dolazak u rafting centar RT u vremenu koje vama odgovara. Check in je od 14h. Smeštaj u bungalove ili sobe. Slobodno vreme za druženje I upoznavanje. U okviru našeg rafting centra “RT” koji se nalazi u blizini reke Drine i prostire na preko 12 000m2 nalaze se bazen i teren za paintball, a takođe možete da se zabavite uz bilijar, stoni fudbal ili neke od društvenih igara koje možete pozajmiti sa recepcije.
Večera. Večeru služimo od 20:00h – 23:00h.
Prvo veče na meniju je meso sa roštilja. Za one koji ne vole roštilj imamo u ponudi i gulaš. Ukoliko ste na specijalnom režimu ishrane ili ste vegetarijanac, vegan …molimo vas da nam to napomenete prilikom rezervacije aranžmana ili najkasnije prilikom prijavljivanja na recepciju.
Druženje uz muziku. Naše žurke su sada već nadaleko poznate. Muzika je do 01h posle ponoći.
Važna napomena. Vikendom, odnosno petkom i subotom organizujemo muziku uživo.
Gostima preporučujemo da se dobro odmore jer nas sutra čeka uzbudljiv dan…
Posle udobno prospavane noći u našim drvenim bungalovima /sobama, sa radošću ćete se probuditi sa prvim jutarnji zracima. Svež šumski vazduh će otvoriti sva vaša čula. U našem restoranu vas čeka odlična domaća kafa, čaj a tu je i domaća rakija. Pored restorana na raspolaganju vam je i krovna terasa, kao i letnja bašta sa pogledom na reku Drinu.
Doručak. Okvirno vreme doručka je oko 9h.
Sada će te imati priliku da probate specijalitete našeg podneblja. Domaću hranu iz obližnjih sela. Domaću pršutu, kobasicu, naše čuvene heljdine uštipke, domaći džem od višnje, jaja, pite sa sirom, mladi Romaniski kajmak… doručak je jak, kaloričan…daće Vam neophodnu energiju jer rafting avantura ubrzo počinje…
Nakon doručka, podeliće vam se oprema neophodna za rafting. Svako dobija neoprenska odela koja su specijalno namenjena za duži boravak u vodi i koja će vas zaštiti od hladne vode reke Tare. Odela preuzimate u skiperaju – prostoriji u kojoj se nalazi sva oprema za rafting. Potrebne su vam i cipele tj čizme, takođe napravljene od neoprena, prsluk za spasavanje, kao i kacige. Svu opremu odnosite u svoje sobe / bungalove i tamo ih oblačite preko kupaćeg kostima ili šorca. Nemojte da oblačite ispod odela, ništa, osim kupaćeg ili šorca.
Posle oblačenje opreme za rafting, okupljamo se na platou, gde sledi tradicionalno grupno fotografisanje a zatim ćemo pročitati spiskove za rafting.
S obzirom da se RT centar nalazi na tzv. cilju, do početne tačke raftinga idemo našim vozilima.
Vožnja do početne tačke raftinga, Brštanovice, traje oko sat vremena.
Nakon dolaska na Brštanovicu, skiperi -vozači čamaca, vas raspoređuju po čamcima gde će vam održati kratak brifing odnosno kurs ponašanja na čamcu. Čamci koji se koriste na raftingu su profesionalni čamci koji su napravljeni specijalno za rafting i namenjeni da izdrže razigrane bukove reke Tare.
Na svakom čamcu nalaze se nepropusne vreće u koje možete staviti neke osnovne stvari.
Savetujemo da ponesete svoje GO PRO kamere. Ukoliko ih nemate, go pro kamere možete iznajmiti od nas i zabeležiti nezaboravne trenutke na raftingu. Napominjemo da ne odgovaramo za gubitak i eventualno oštećenje telefona i kamera koje ponesete na rafting.
Na samom raftingu vas očekuje preko 30 uzbudljivih bukova (najpoznatiji su Ćelije, Borovi, Varda…) koji će vas svojom silinom i brzinom ostaviti bez daha i zbog kojih će te doživeti pravi osećaj avanture i adrenalina.
Ukoliko ste zaboravili da ponesete nešto za piće, slobodno se nagnite nad čamac i zahvatite osvežavajuću vodu reke Tare, jer je njena voda celom dužinom sliva pitka, zbog čega je reka Tara i dobila naziv „suza Evrope“…
Negde na polovini spusta napravićemo pauzu i videti ko ima hrabrosti da prođe „test muškosti“ odnosno da se okupa u ledenom vodopadu čija temperatura iznosi jedva 5 °C.
Takođe imaćete priliku i da se okupati u reci Pivi. Reci neverovatno čiste vode, koja zajedno sa našom Tarom, čini moćnu u reku Drinu. Nakon raftinga rekom Tarom, do našeg Rt centra nastavljamo rekom Drinom.
Nakon nekih 2-5 sata, koliko traje sam spust dolazimo u podnožje rafting centra. Sledi razduživanja opreme i topla voda koja će vam posle hladne vode reke Tare neizmerno prijati.
Ručak. Ručak služimo po povratku sa raftinga.
Za ručak ćete imati priliku da probate domaću teleću čorbu, svežu seosku salatu a kao glavno jelo tu je teletina ispod sača sa krompirom. Sva jela se spremaju na licu mesta, u našoj kuhinji, od većinski organskih namirnica iz obližnjih sela. Za desert služimo domaće kolače. Kolač sa višnjama, oblande, pite sa orasima, čupavce…
Slobodno vreme do večere. Savetujemo da iskoristite svoj odmor i oprobate se u vožnji novih quadova (četvorotočkaša ) ili paintballu.
Večera. Okvirno vreme večere je oko 20h.
Za večeru je na meniju sveža pastrmka sa roštilja i krompir salata.
Sledi druženje uz logorsku vatru i muziku. Vikendom imamo organizovane odlične žive svirke. Vreme za dobro zabavu, pesmu i igru.
Savetujemo da obavezno ponesete topliju garderobu jer iako su dani veoma topli noći pored reke umeju da nas iznenade svojom hladnoćom…
Doručak . Okvirno vreme doručka je oko 9:00h
Uz ovaj izlet dobijate lanch-paket.
Od vidikovca Prijevor pešačimo do jednog od dragulja Zelengore. Nakon 3-4 sata pešačenja (hiking-a) vraćamo se do vozila. Poslednja lokacija koju posećujemo je Dolina heroja – Tjentište, nekadašnji veliki turistički centar sa bogatom kulturno-istorijskom zaostavštinom. Naravno obavezna je i poseta spomeniku Herojima bitke na Sutjesci, kao i obilazak nekadašnjeg najvećeg otvorenog bazena Evrope na Tjentištu. Sledi povratak u RT centar.
Slobodno vreme.
For those who want faster, more exciting rafting, we recommend choosing the months of April, May, and early June.
For those who want a calmer rafting experience or come with children, choose July, August, and September.
For those who want to visit us with children, we recommend choosing so-called working days, from Sunday to Friday. Prices on working days are more favorable and there are fewer crowds.
Prices are most favorable at the beginning of the season, on working days, as well as for early reservations. If you know the date of your annual vacation in advance, reserve your spot in advance at a more favorable price.
On weekends, i.e. Fridays and Saturdays, we organize live music, and from May 14, 2023, we will have live music 5 evenings a week. Music on weekends is until 2am, and on other days until 1am.
It is possible to reschedule or cancel your reservation and we will offer you a new date if you contact us no later than 2 weeks before the planned arrival date.
Rain or bad weather are not valid reasons for cancellation. We have all the necessary equipment for rafting in bad weather, and our bungalows, as well as the restaurant, have heating. If you are not sure, choose summer months such as July and August when rains are rare and short-lived.
Food at the RT rafting center is traditional, homemade, caloric, mostly based on meat. If you are on a special diet, vegetarian, vegan, etc., please let us know when making a reservation... We have a great selection of dishes and we will be happy to accommodate you.
Due to heavy traffic on the road from the RT center to the starting point of rafting and on the river itself, rafting can be organized in two groups - after breakfast and after lunch. If you have a desire to be in, for example, the first group, please let us know when making a reservation, we will be happy to accommodate you.
If you want to go on an excursion in addition to rafting, for example, a visit to the Sutjeska National Park, choose package deals that already include rafting and a specific excursion. Reserve package deals in advance. Of course, you can decide on any excursion on the spot, but in that case, the price is higher. Package deals are reserved in advance and are always more favorable.
If you decide to go on one of our excursions or package deals, we recommend rotating the program, i.e., for better organization of your time, we will organize excursions on the first day (most excursions are full-day and last longer than rafting itself), and leave rafting for the second day.
Please read the description of our accommodation - STANDARD, COMFORT, SUPERIOR.
Comfort accommodation is located in bungalows and rooms. There are no differences between rooms and bungalows, the equipment and price are the same. Some guests prefer bungalows more, some rooms. If you have special wishes or prefer, for example, to be in rooms, please let us know when making a reservation. Depending on the capacity, we will be happy to accommodate you.
The RT center has two pools that are available only to our guests. The use of the pool is included in some packages and not in others. We have made an effort to clearly highlight which packages include pool use. Those who do not have the use of the pool included in the price of the package can buy a bracelet at the reception. The bracelet costs 5€ and is valid for the entire stay.
We have three types of accommodation, labeled as standard, comfort, and superior in the price lists. Bungalows and rooms are structured as double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, and sextuple.
We also offer a rich menu of pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free food. (And we know the difference between them. ;-) ) We use a special fryer and grill plate for preparing such food, and ingredients are not mixed.
Note: If you are on a special diet, please let us know when booking your arrangement or at the latest upon arrival at our rafting center RT. We will be happy to fulfill your requests.
Almost all of our bungalows have their own bathrooms, and the vast majority also have TVs, mini-bars, safes, kitchens... Although, logically, you might think that this is taken for granted, we have to point out that this is a rarity for camping accommodation in nature.
Although we are located on the banks of the Drina River, we remind you that its temperature, even in August, is only 17 degrees Celsius at the most. That's why you love to seek refreshment from the high temperatures in our swimming pool. And there's also a cocktail bar for true enjoyment.
The food at RT Center is domestic, authentic food of these areas, traditional, prepared on the spot, on the same day... We bring in groceries several times a week from nearby markets and farms, grown by our farmers. If you are on a special diet, or if you are a vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian... don't worry, some of us are too. We have a great selection of dishes for you, and we know the difference between them. We have special grill plates, fryers, and cold showcases, and the ingredients are not mixed.
The parties at the RT center are already well-known far and wide. We always have guests looking for more. The large number of guests that RT center can accommodate contributes to a great atmosphere and young people meeting each other. And the bands - Kix band and Kosava band, are real masters of creating a great vibe. They quickly get all our guests on their feet, and many of you even on the table.
As part of the RT center, we have a paintball court. And the best part is that you don't have to have a group of people to play. We organize a paintball tournament every day, and all you have to do is sign up at the reception desk to participate. You can even play alone.
Parked in front of the RT center, our quads are available to you at any time of the day. It is important to note that they are brand new. We purchased some of the four-wheelers in 2021 and some in 2022.
We organize almost all excursions every day, and you don't have to have a group to go on any of our excursions. You can even go alone. Due to the large capacity of the RT center, we always have enough guests to organize almost all excursions.
We take great care of the hygiene and cleanliness of the RT center as well as the bungalows, rooms, and restaurant. We have employees who take care of the cleanliness of the camp 24/7. We also invest a lot of time, effort, and money into the decoration of the RT center. Currently, we have more than 650 rose seedlings planted at the RT center, and every spring we have a campaign to plant seasonal flowers. Our flowerpots are adorned with over 1000 cuttings of geraniums, petunias, surfinias, begonias, tulips, peonies, and more.
We are proud of all the members and employees at the RT center. They quickly become your favorite waiters, bartenders, and especially skippers. They are warm, honest, cheerful...and quickly win you over and make you happy.
We have guaranteed departures every day from Novi Sad and Belgrade, as well as from all major cities in Serbia.
It's always full, lively, and dynamic here. We can accommodate 380 rafting enthusiasts, and if you have a company with a large number of employees, you don't have to split them up into several camps. All your employees can stay with us. We have special pricing options for companies, the possibility of payment by invoice, and a rooftop terrace for presentations, a projector, and everything necessary for a successful presentation.
If you have any doubts about the arrangement or additional questions, feel free to contact us.